be plugged intoの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. We've got to be plugged into 220 around here.
  2. And Danny Manning can be plugged into any of those scenarios.
  3. It will never need to be plugged into an electrical outlet.
  4. The unit must be plugged into an electrical outlet to operate.
  5. Therefore, only normal cables can be plugged into these connectors.


  1. "be pleased with"の例文
  2. "be pleased with s"の例文
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  5. "be plowed"の例文
  6. "be plunged into poverty"の例文
  7. "be plus"の例文
  8. "be pocked with"の例文
  9. "be poetic"の例文
  10. "be point"の例文
  11. "be ploughed"の例文
  12. "be plowed"の例文
  13. "be plunged into poverty"の例文
  14. "be plus"の例文

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